PRISCILLA CHAN: Priscilla Chan When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg started dating current girlfriend Priscilla Chan, before founding Facebook, it probably never dreamed he would be confronted by a stalker Facebook, or his girlfriend and her sister Priscilla Chan Randi Zuckerberg in danger.
However, this is exactly what Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi Zuckerberg are currently facing.
The Facebook user accused of stalking, identified as Pradeep Manukonda, 31, allegedly threatened Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's girlfriend Priscilla Chan and his sister Randi physical damage and also asked for money and Pradeep Manukonda his family short of money.

Mark Zuckerberg, who in December last year declared it manqué single of the signatories of the commitment to give, has filed an injunction against Pradeep Manukonda. Manukonda is now prohibited from approaching within 300 meters of Priscilla Chan Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's girlfriend Priscilla Chan and her sister Randi Zuckerberg.
Certainly, the concerns never end up hitting the CEO (relatively) poor Facebook: After hacking his Facebook account, Mark Zuckerberg had to resort to the courts for an eviction against the reactions of "friends" da. The so-called Pradeep Manukonda, aged 31, harassed her and "threatened" apparently Mark Zuckerberg Facebook with messages (obviously).
According to TMZ (who learned of the deportation order decided by the court), Pradeep Manukonda since January trying to get in touch with Mark Zuckerberg: He was repeatedly presented in the offices of Facebook, and even after the home in Palo Alto Zuck. Pradeep Manukonda he also wrote a handwritten letter ... accompanied by flowers


PAUL HAGGIS TALKS ABOUT THE TOM CRUISE/CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY FBI INVESTIGATION: According to a report in The New Yorker, the Church of Scientology is under investigation for human trafficking and use of free labor - due in part to be capable to reply to the postulation made by extravagant its icon celebrities, Tom Cruise.

Hollywood screenwriter and director Paul Haggis left the church after having been a Scientologist for over 30 years. He recently opened at The New Yorker to reveal some secrets of the Church. Other church members were included in The New Yorker and function.

Paul Haggis reasons for leaving the Church include: The Church support a ballot initiative in California anti-gay (Gay Haggis has two daughters), reports of beatings by church leader David Miscavige, reeducation camps, and contracts for billions of years for children.

Allegations against Cruise in the article as involving David Miscavige, the head of the Church and a near friend of the actor. Apparently, Miscavige ordered the workers to do manual work to customize a building, rebuild the bikes, and more for both Cruise and the Church.

Their recompense? It seems it was about $ 50 per week.

Other allegations include financial offensive Miscavige lead a lavish and expensive lifestyle, while federal law prohibits the heads of tax-exempt organizations to receive financial or material excess. Ex-church members say, Miscavige was flown in chartered planes, wore custom-made shoes and has a vast collection of luxury cars and motorcycles, and even had two private chefs.

And this isn't the pip. The survey also examines alleged human trafficking, and even later, charges of human trafficking and unpaid work. It is remarked in the article in the New Yorker explores the "reeducation" camps - which Scientologists who do not fulfill their religious duties are sent. One member, Bruce Hines, said he lived in one of these camps for 6 years.