L&T INFRASTRUCTURE BOND DETAILS: L & T long-term substructure bond later will begin by fifteenth Oct and will close on November 2nd 2010

Similar to previous long-term infrastructure the leap by L & T later aussi Will Have a maturity of ten yrs and a interlace in period of five Years. Buy back option available Will Be ounces two times after 5 Years and after 7 years. Will this end aussi have 4 options to IDFC Than little different outcome. Buy-back choice later five yrs With yearly occupy defrayment, buy-back selection later five yrs With additive interest, purchase back selection later seven yrs With yearly interest payment and purchase back afterward VII years With cumulative interest.

Interest rate for 5 year buys back option IS 7.5% and 7.75% for It Is buy-back option after 7 years. Nominal value of apiece Bond IS Rs thousand. Buy-back date IS the after the first working day required buy-back period "i.e. after 5 Years or 7 years. If you prefer for one-year interest payment, The Interest Will Be mechanically accredited to your bank account while filling up Mentioned of the Form.

Assigned ICRA has a credit rating of LAA + and has CARE CARE AA + Ratings Assigned to the Following, Which data and identify a stable outlook. Bank of Maharashtra IS acting as "Debenture Trustee" to the Issue. Lead directors to the emerge are ICICI Securities bounded, JM Financial Consultants Private Limited and SBI Capital Markets Limited