PHENOMS GAGA AND BIEBER: They are two of the entertainment properties most highly publicized, eagerly awaited the start of 2011: Never Say Never, a new rockumentary chronicling the Top 10 right of 17-years "between idol Justin Bieber and" Born This Way ", the first single from an coming album by multiplatinum-selling pop provocateuse Lady Gaga the same name. 
Both were unveiled today, just in time for Valentine's Day. And the two entertainment offerings are synergistic timed to capitalize on media exposure every singer-songwriter will receive their performance at very boasted Grammy Awards Sunday, a TV event that was significantly decreased according to Nielsen ratings amazing it enjoyed in the 80s and 90s, but it remains a platform for greater visibility of live music in just about anything short of televisiondom American Idol.
To be sure, new song Lady Gaga Bieber and the film exist as boundless love letters to their primary constituencies, respectively, supposedly little monsters and people with fever Bieber. But seen another way, the new versions represent a tacit recognition by both performers in a certain wisdom of pop culture has received.
Call it the career most obvious, yet rarely followed by play: "If it is not broken do not fix it" school of professional management.
As has already been wide rumored, "Born This Way" is an ode to gay and transsexual community has been devoted to the point of fanaticism Lady Gaga and to whom Lady Gaga devotes much of his creative output gushingly-being by the portrait of a hermaphrodite in the video for her song "phone" or donning a dress made entirely of meat. The song was originally scheduled for release on February 13 but Gaga said in a tweet to its 8 million followers: "Do not wait any longer, only next Friday,"